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Frozen ATPL(A)

Before you start to the professional pilot training, you need to understand what path you need to walk. Sometimes it might be an uphill battle to get the reliable and professional information.

The pathway to becoming a professional pilot consists of several trainings and courses, called modules, from which the name Frozen ATPL(A) modular training is derived. A graduate of the Frozen ATPL(A) modular training can fly an aeroplane as a professional pilot. The content of the Frozen ATPL(A) pathway is a subject of the constant regulatory changes which might be very confusing for a newbie in aviation.

In 2007 I made public comprehensive description of the Frozen ATPL(A) roadmap in a very understandable way. Since that time in ProfiPilot, we maintain the roadmap to help the beginners aspiring for the professional pilot licence to understand the structure of the Frozen ATPL(A) training. Despite the roadmap has been copied by many flight schools without our consent, the original is the only one.

~ Milan Mazanovský
Head of training

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Private Pilot Licence - PPL(A)
1. PPL
Private Pilot Licence - PPL(A)

The Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes), commonly known as PPL(A) is the very first step on the Frozen ATPL(A)  pathway. The PPL(A) training consists of approximately 100 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction followed by the 45 hours of the flight instruction. 5 hours could be completed in simulator. The essence of the PPL(A) training in connection with the Frozen ATPL(A) training is to learn to fly the core maneovers such as take-off, landing, basic aircraft handling and navigation.
You will also obtain so-called SEP(land) class rating together with your Private Pilot Licence. SEP(land) or single-engine piston class rating allows you to fly the single-engine aeroplanes powered by piston engine. The PPL(A) training is completed by the theoretical knowledge exam and practical exam with EASA Flight examiner called PPL(A) skill test

cca 100:00 hrs
min 40 hrs
max 5 hrs
3 months
Skill test 01:30 hrs
CAA THEORY 9 subjects
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2. Flying

The aim of the timebuilding is to build your pilot experience, more specifically your pilot-in-command (PIC) flight hours. Some modules of the Frozen ATPL(A) modular training requiring the minimum experience of either total flight time, the total PIC time or even the total or PIC time spent by flying cross-country. Therefore followed by the PPL(A) training, you would need to fly a minimum of around 80 hours as a pilot-in-command preferably during the cross-country flying. This flight time must be acquired in EASA-certified aeroplane.
The best you can do here is to rent an aircraft, take the safety pilot with you and fly abroad as many flights as possible. International experience as well as flying in the controlled airspace and using the different means of navigation will be a valuable experience for your future training. The competences you gain will be priceless.

cca 80 PIC hrs
cca 3 months
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VFR Night rating
3. VFR Night
VFR Night rating

As a professional pilot you will be required to fly an aircraft during any time of the day. Therefore the VFR Night rating is a must on the Frozen ATPL(A) pathway. During the 5 hours of flight training and around 3 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, you will learn the essence of flying in night. The VFR Night has a life time validity and upon the completion of your flight training you wont be limited by day or night time to fly an aircraft.

03:00 hrs
05:00 hrs
max. 00:40 hrs
2 days
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4. Theory
ATPL(A) Theory

Airline Transport Pilot theoretical knowledge instruction is the academic part of the Frozen ATPL(A) modular training pathway. ATPL Theory is a very comprehensive module requiring the structured approach to the learning and understanding the content. 
You will have to attend at least 650 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction distributed into the self-study, computer-based training as well as the classroom instruction and consultancy. The module constitutes in written exam which must be taken at authority level. ATPL(A) Theory module usually takes around a year to complete. All 14 subjects have to be completed at the minimum pass rate of 75% within the 6 sessions. The written exam credits all the EASA-recognized written exams (LAPL, PPL, CPL, ATPL, IR, HPA). Therefore there is no need to attend any subsequent written exams for instrument rating nor the commercial pilot licence. Once passed the ATPL written exams, the qualification is called ATPL(A) Theory credit.

650 hrs
6-12 months
CAA THEORY 14 written exams
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ATPL(A) Theory
Instrument Rating IR(A)
5. IR-SE
Instrument Rating IR(A)

Regardless of the meteorological conditions, as professional pilot you will be required to fly an aircraft under the instrument flying rules. During the Instrument Rating part of the Frozan ATPL(A) pathway you will obtain specific skills to understand and to be able to fly an aircraft using the common instrument flying rules. This is one of the critical and one would say the most important flight training of the Frozan ATPL(A) modular training. The IR(A) training takes approximately 50 hours out of which up to 40 can be completed in the simulator. The training is comprehensively structured to cover various instrument approaches, holdings, en-route flying and so on.
The Instrument Rating flight training constitutes into the IR(A) skill test with an EASA Instrument Rating Examiner. Theoretical knowledge is credited from Frozan ATPL(A) credit.

min. 10 hrs
max. 40 hrs
1 month
Skill test 01:00
CAA THEORY ATPL Theory credit
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6. MEP
Multi-engine rating - MEP(land)

Before you extend your Instrument rating to multi-engine instrument privileges, you need to attend general multi-engine - MEP(land) class rating training, where you gain the skills to operate the small multi-engine aeroplane in VMC. Those skills consist of being able to take-off and land the multi-engine aeroplane during both the both engines operating as well as the one-engine inoperative operation. The MEP(land) groundschool takes 7 hours while the MEP(land) flight training consists of 6 hours of training. The MEP(land) training culminates into the MEP(land) skill test with EASA MEP(land) Class Rating Examiner.

07:00 hrs
06:00 hrs
3 days
Skill test 01:00 hrs
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Multi-engine rating - MEP(land)
Multi-engine Instrument Rating - IR-ME
7. IR-ME
Multi-engine Instrument Rating - IR-ME

Being able to fly the multi-engine aeroplane under the instrument flying rules is one of the mandatory competences the professional pilot must be equipped with. The multi-engine instrument rating is an extension of the single-engine instrument rating privileges. We will be building your competences and skills on your previously gained instrument rating as well as the previously gained skills of operating the multi-engine aeroplane in VMC. The flight training is primarily focused on the one-engine inoperative operations while in the IMC and while flying the aircraft under the instrument flying rules. The IR(A)/ME flight training consists of 5 hours of training. Theoretical knowledge exam is again credited from the ATPL(A) theory credit. The Multi-engine instrument rating training culminates into the IR(A)/ME(SPA) skill test with EASA Instrument Rating Examiner.

min. 02:00
max 03:00
2 days
Skill test 01:00 hrs
CAA THEORY ATPL theory credit
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7. CPL
Commercial Pilot Licence - CPL(A)

Before you become a professional pilot, you need to attend the dedicated training where you brush-up your skills and make the fine-tuning focused on your decision-making and aircraft handling. The CPL modular training also covers the Basic upset prevention and recovery training as well. The course takes 15 flight hours and culminates into the Commercial Pilot Licence skill test with EASA Flight Examiner. By obtaining the CPL(A) licence, you will become a professional pilot and will be able to receive a renumeration for your pilot services.

15 - 20 hrs
7 days
Skill test 01:30 hrs
CAA THEORY ATPL theory credit
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Commercial Pilot Licence - CPL(A)
Advanced UPRT
Advanced UPRT

Advanced Upset prevention and recovery training or simply Advanced UPRT is a special training program to provide you with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to avoid the upsets and if you encounter one to be able to apply the safe recovery techniques.
Attending the Advanced UPRT training is nowadays a mandatory requirement to be enrolled into the first typerating training. The course usually takes 2 days and consits of 3 hours of flight training and 5 hours of the theoretical knowledge instruction.

05:00 hrs
03:00 hrs
2 days
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9. MCC
Multi-Crew Cooperation - MCC(A)

To attend the typerating for multi-pilot aeroplane - for example Boeing 737, or a single-pilot operated under the multi-pilot operations - for example Cessna 525, you need to attend the training program dedicated to teach you how to effectively cooperate together with other crew members in a safely manner. Core of the training is to teach you the call-outs, standard operating procedures and effective use of resources. The MCC course can be taken as a stand-alone multi-crew cooperation course or it can be taken as an Airline Pilot Standard MCC course including the jet-orientation course with a more comprehensive content.

25:00 hrs
20:00 hrs
7 days
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Multi-Crew Cooperation - MCC(A)
Frozen ATPL(A)
Frozen ATPL
Frozen ATPL(A)

Frozen ATPL is a cumulative name of licence and qualification mandatory to attend the typerating training course and to fly as a professional pilot for renumeration. Holding the Frozen ATPL it means you hold the Commercial Pilot Licence - CPL(A) with the instrument rating for multi-engine aeroplanes, holding the ATPL(A) theory credit, MCC course completion certificate and completed Advanced UPRT trainings course. All ratings and licence must be supported by the English language proficiency or so-called ICAO English. At this moment you will be able to apply for a specific airline or business jet operator.
All of those ratings and qualifiations are commonly called Frozen ATPL(A). Later, after meeting the flight hours requirements, the pilot is issued an ATPL(A) license - aeroplane transport pilot licence.

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