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CB IR Ground school

To pass CB IR written exam ✓

Should you have some experience with instrument flying, you can follow the competency-based track towards your instrument rating. Before you commence your CB-IR flight training, you have to attend theoretical knowledge instruction. In that case, this CB-IR theory course is just for you.

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Competency Based Instrument Rating theory course overview

The Instrument Rating theoretical knowledge instruction course consists of approximately 80 hours of instruction. ProfiPilot Training competency-based modular IR course comprises of 80 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction. The theoretical knowledge course may contain computer-based training and e-learning elements. A minimum amount of 10% of classroom instruction will be provided.

ProfiPilot Training utilizes the distance learning means of the instruction supplemented by the classroom instructor-led instruction. The CB-IR theoretical course is followed by the CB-IR written exam in Exam Institute

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If you are a PPL holder, the Competency Based Instrument Rating theory course lasts 80 hours. Should you are a holder of a CPL, the CB-IR theory course lasts only 40 hours.

Approximately 90% of the training is delivered by distance-learning means. The remaining 10% of training is used as brush-up and review during the instructor-led classroom instruction. ProfiPilot Training provides also the online classrooms.



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The Competency Based IR theory instruction covers following subjects:

  • 010 Air law;
  • 022 Aircraft general knowledge — instrumentation;
  • 033 Flight planning and monitoring;
  • 040 Human performance;
  • 050 Meteorology;
  • 061 Radio navigation; and
  • 090 Communications;
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Once you have completed all the required subjects, you will have to pass the written final tests in ProfiPilot Training. To be recommended for CB-IR written exam you have to pass all subjects with minimum pass rate of 75%.

The CB-IR theory course is followed by the written theoretical knowledge exam at Exam Institute. You have to start your IR written exam latest 12 months after being recommended by ProfiPilot Training.

You have to pass with minimum score of at least 75% all subjects of CB-IR theoretical syllabus within four attempts, and within either six sittings or within the period of 18 months.

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Follow up

Once you have completed your Competency Based Instrument Rating exams, you need to complete your CB-IR flight training. The training is followed by an CB Instrument Rating skill test with an EASA IRE(A) which has to be completed within the next 36 months, counted from the day when you have successfully completed the theoretical knowledge examination. 

 “Learning is not a spectator sport.”

Theoretical knowledge instruction courses held by ProfiPilot Training are well structured and delivered by professionals in the field. We can provide you with the explanation and answer all your questions, however the rest lies on you....






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"Excellence begins with the perfection of the basics.” To facilitate the entire training process, each trainee is assigned with the personal manager.  

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