Instrument Rating Instructor
To teach the magic of instruments ✓
Instrument Rating Instructor extension
Your IRI in full capability ✓
If you are looking for the easiest way to become an advanced aviation instructor, you need to become Instrument Rating Instructor. This course is usually taken by experienced professional pilots, airline pilots or an business jet pilots. So they can provide instruction towards the instrument rating without taking long-lasting ab-initio FI(A) training course and its extensions. However to be qualified as instrument rating instructor, you need to have an extensive IFR experience, which is in most cases very hard to obtain for a FI(A) flying in the flight schools only.
The aim of the IRI training course is to train aircraft licence holders to the level of competence defined in FCL.920, and adequate for an instrument rating instructor. The IRI training course should give particular stress to the role of the individual in relation to the importance of human factors in the manmachine environment.
Special attention is paid to your levels of maturity and judgement including an understanding of adults, their behavioural attitudes and variable levels of education.
The IRI training course is designed to give adequate training to the applicant in theoretical knowledge instruction, flight instruction and FSTD instruction to instruct for the instrument rating, enroute instrument rating, basic instrument rating as well as the private instruction outside flight school.
The flight training should be aimed at ensuring that you will be able to teach the air exercises safely and efficiently. You will learn how to identify common errors and how to correct them properly. In addition the course instructor will be stressing the proper airmanship and TEM application at the appropriate times during each flight.
Instrument Rating Instructor training consists of three parts.
The Teaching and Learning module can be attended indenpendently on the IRI course. Should you are a holder of any EASA instructor certificate - e.g. MCCI or TRI, you will be fully exempted from attending the Teaching and learning module.
Part 2 and Part 3 are complementary to eachother. Duration of Part 3 depends on if you are already a holder of FI(A). For ab-initio IRI(A) training the Part 3 lasts 10 hours out of which 8 can be in simulator.
For FI(A) holders the Part 3 lasts 5 hours.
The Instrument Rating Instructor certificate allows you to provide training for issue, revalidation and renewal of an EIR or an instrument rating.
To instruct for the basic phase of training on an MPL course, you have to meet additional criterias:
Generally your privileges will be restricted as follows:
The validity of your Instrument Rating Instructor certificate is 3 years.
To revalidate an IRI(A) certificate, you have to fulfil at least two out of the three following requirements before the expiry date of the IRI certificate:
For at least each alternate revalidation you shall pass an assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935 with an EASA FIE(A).