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High Performance Aircraft Course

Get ready for high performance jet ✓

A number of aeroplanes certificated for single-pilot operation have similar performances, systems and navigation capabilities to those more usually associated with multi-pilot types of aeroplanes, and regularly operate within the same airspace. 

This course is simply must, if you want to fly an aircraft such as Cessna 525Beechcraft RA390 or Beechcraft 200 as a PPL(A) or CPL(A) holder without ATPL(A) theory.

It is an EASA-equivalent of FAA high-altitude rating.

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High Performance Single Pilot Aeroplane course overview

The aim of the HPA SPCA theoretical knowledge course is to provide you with sufficient knowledge of those aspects of the operation of aeroplanes capable of operating at high speeds and altitudes, and the aircraft systems necessary for such operation.

The course is divided in a VFR and an IFR part, and covers items of the ATPL(A) syllabus.

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The level of knowledge required to operate safely in this environment is not part of, or not included to the necessary depth of knowledge in the training syllabi for the PPL, CPL or IR(A) but these licence holders may fly as pilot-in-command of such aeroplanes. The additional theoretical knowledge required to operate such aeroplanes safely is obtained by completion of a course in ProfiPilot Training.

To be enrolled into the HPA course, you have to be:

  • holder of a PPL(A) or CPL(A)
  • holder of a IR(A) for IFR operations or CB-IR(A)
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The instruction for VFR high performance single pilot aeroplane covers following subjects:

  • 021 Aircraft General Knowledge — Airframe/Systems/Power plant,
  • 032 Performance,
  • 040 Human Performance,
  • 050 Meteorology,
  • 062 Radio Navigation,
  • 081 Principles of Flight.
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The instruction for IFR high performance single pilot aeroplane covers following subjects:

  • 010 Air Law,
  • 022 Aircraft General Knowledge — Instrumentation,
  • 050 Meteorology,
  • 062 Radio Navigation.
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Demonstration of acquisition of the HPA SPCA knowledge is undertaken by passing an examination set by ProfiPilot Training. Successful  pass of this examination results in the issue of a course completion certificate indicating that the HPA course and examination have been completed.

The HPA course represents a "once only" qualification and satisfies the requirement for the addition of all future high performance aeroplanes such as Cessna 525 and similar to your licence. The certificate is valid indefinitely and is to be submitted with the application for the first HPA type rating or class rating.

A pass in any theoretical knowledge subjects as part of the HPA course will however not be credited against meeting future theoretical examination requirements for issue of a CPL(A), IR(A) or ATPL(A).



 “Learning is not a spectator sport.”

Theoretical knowledge instruction courses held by ProfiPilot Training are well structured and delivered by professionals in the field. We can provide you with the knowledge, however the rest lies on you....



VFR subjects


IFR subjects

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"Excellence begins with the perfection of the basics.” To facilitate the entire training process, each trainee is assigned with the personal manager.  

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