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VFR Night Rating NR(A)

Get impressed by night ✓

Flying at night is an impressive experience. You will learn how to fly an aircraft using the airport lights and runway lights. As a holder of the Night Rating, you will be authorized to fly an aircraft at night in good meteorological conditions - in so-called Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) under Visual Flying Rules (VFR). For professional pilots, the VFR Night training is one of mandatory modules required towards Frozen ATPL(A) qualification. For leisure and PPL(A) or LAPL(A) pilots it is another useful skill to gain ✓ 

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By attending this short flight training course you will become a holder of an EASA VFR Night Rating which is valid permanently and endorsed in your pilot's license. The training is straig-forward and usually takes 1 up to 2 days in total. There is no skill test with flight examiner.

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The aim of the Night Rating training is to meet the requirements of FCL.810 - to qualify holders of Part-FCL licences to exercise the pilot's license privileges at night. The VFR Night training consists of theoretical knowledge instruction and flight training in night. The training is completed by course-completion certificate issued by ProfiPilot. Your license will be endorsed with VFR Night rating by your Issuing authority upon the training completion. There is no need to attend the license skill test. Training is usually done within 2 days.

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To be enrolled in the VFR Night trianing course you either have to be holder of a private pilot licensePPL(A). Alternatively - as a holder of a LAPL(A), you have to meet FCL.810(a)(2) and (3) requirements. This means - before completing the Night Rating training as a LAPL(A) holder you have to complete the basic instrument flight training required for the issue of the PPL(A). In addition - before being enrolled into the Night Rating training course you need to be holder of either Medical certificate Class 1 or alternatively Class 2 with color vision assessment. 

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The VFR Night ground training - or so-called Night Rating ground school consists of the long briefing which is usually provided just before the flying part or the VFR Night training course. The theoretical knowledge syllabus covers the revision and explanation of topics essential for flying at Night:

  • night VMC minima;
  • rules about airspace control at night and facilities available;
  • rules about aerodrome ground, runway, and obstruction lighting;
  • aircraft navigation lights and collision avoidance rules;
  • physiological aspects of night vision and orientation;
  • dangers of disorientation at night;
  • dangers of weather deterioration at night;
  • instrument systems or functions and errors;
  • instrument lighting and emergency cockpit lighting systems;
  • map marking for use under cockpit lighting;
  • practical navigation principles;
  • radio navigation principles;
  • planning and use of safety altitude; and
  • danger from icing conditions, as well as from avoidance and escape manoeuvres.
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In accordance with FCL.810(a)(1)(ii) - the flying part of the Night Rating consists of at least 5 hours of flight time in the aeroplane at night. The Night flight training includes at least:

  • 3 hours of dual instruction consists of
    • review of basic instrument flying
    • take-offs, landings on runway in night
    • various simulated emergencies
    • 1 hour of cross-country navigation flight of at least 50 km (27 NM)
  • 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo full-stop landings

The VFR Night training can be attended in either single-engine or multi-engine aeroplane. If you are a holder of both a single-engine piston aeroplane (land) so-called SEP(land) class rating and a TMG class rating, you may complete the Night Rating training in either class or both classes - as you prefer.

New Zealand

New Zealand

  • ICAO English - Aero Language
  • Flight Examiner
  • EASA TRE, Type Rating examiner

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters."

Be happy and get the rating with ProfiPilot Training. Regardless the rating type, you will enjoy both the rating training and fun while exercising its privileges.





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