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Class Rating Instructor Single-Engine

Trainer for single-engine aeroplanes

Being an aviation instructor is a very important role. To obtain the class rating instructor on single-engine aeroplane is easiest way how to become an instructor. By becoming a single-engine instructor, you will be given the privileges to provide the instruction for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a single-engine class rating as indicated in FCL.930.CRI(a).

In addition you can also teach towards aerobatics ✓ or aerotowing ✓  provided you hold the relevant rating and you demonstrate the ability to instruct for that rating to senior instructor. CRI SE privileges also includes the extension of LAPL(A) privileges to another class or variant of aeroplane.


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CRI SE training overview

The aim of the Class Rating Instructor training course is to bring your competency up to the standard required for the role of an instructor on single-engine aeroplane such as Cessna 172 or Diamond DA20.  The single-engine CRI training course is designed in the way to give adequate training to the future CRI SE instructor in theoretical knowledge instruction and flight instruction to instruct for single-engine class rating for which you are qualified.

The Class Rating Instructor Single-Engine training course consists of three parts:

  • Part 1: 25 hours of Teaching and learning iaw AMC1 FCL.920;
  • Part 2: 10 hours of Technical theoretical knowledge instruction (Technical training);
  • Part 3: 3 hours of Flight instruction in single-engine aeroplane

The CRI SE training is followed by the CRI assessment of competence with EASA Flight Instructor Examiner. The validity of the CRI Single-Engine is 3 years. To revalidate your CRI you need to comply with FCL.940.CRI.

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As an applicant for multi-engine Class Rating Instructor certificate you have to be a holder of the EASA flight crew license such as PPL(A)CPL(A) or ATPL(A) and valid respective class rating. In most of the cases SEP(land) class rating is the one required, however also the TMG class rating is also acceptable. In addition you have to meet the experience requirements of FCL.915.CRI(b):

  • 300 hours flight time as a pilot on aeroplanes;
  • 30 hours as pilot-in-command on the applicable class rating
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T & L

The Teaching and Learning module of the CRI SE training course is called as Part 1 or CRI training course and it is required by FCL.930.CRI(a)(1). This module is about the Training philosophy and Fundamentals of instruction. The module is equal for all EASA instructor certificates. It means if you hold or have held any EASA instructor certificate you will be credited in full towards this module. 

The Teaching and Learning module consists of 25 hours of groundschool including the workshops and covers following topics:

  • The learning process
  • The teaching process
  • Training philosophies
  • Techniques of applied instruction
  • Student evaluation and testing
  • Training programme development
  • Human performance and limitations relevant to flight instruction
  • Specific hazards involved in simulating systems failures and malfunctions in the aircraft during flight
  • Training administration
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The class rating theoretical syllabus is used to develop the CRI teaching skills towards the multi-engine technical course syllabus. The CRI course instructor delivers example lectures of single-engine class rating technical syllabus. As a future CRI you will learn how to prepare and deliver lectures towards the single-engine class rating training.

The technical theoretical-knowledge instruction comprises of 10 hours of training and includes revision of technical knowledge, preparation of lesson plans, development of classroom instructional skills to enable the CRI to teach the technical theoretical-knowledge syllabus.

The 10 hours of technical theoretical-knowledge instruction covers following topics essential the role of single-engine instructor:

  • Air Legislation
  • Principles of flight, The forces and couples
  • Minimum control and safety speeds, Propellers
  • Specific aeroplane variant considerations (similar to differences training)
  • Aeroplane and engine systems
  • Airframe limitations, Engine limitations
  • Mass and balance, Mass and performance
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The purpose of the CRI SE flight training is to acquaint the applicant with the teaching aspects of the operational procedures and handling of an single-engine aeroplane. In accordance with FCL.930.CRI(a)(3) - the flying part of the Single-Engine Class Rating Instructor consists of at least 3 hours of flight time in the single-engine aeriplane. Instruction will be given by an Flight Instructor qualified in accordance with point FCL.905.FI(j). The flight instruction is complemented by the technical training which serves as the long-briefing before the flying exercises.

The CRI SE training includes following exercises as required by AMC1 FCL.930.CRI, Part 3:

  • Familiarization with the aeroplane
  • Taxiing
  • Straight and level flight
  • Slow flight
  • Upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT)

The CRI SE training will be provided using the specific variant of single-pilot single-engine aeroplane such as Diamond 20 or Cessna 172.

New Zealand

New Zealand

  • ICAO English - Aero Language
  • Flight Examiner
  • EASA TRE, Type Rating examiner

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