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Basic Instrument Rating Refresher

Become Basic Instrument-rated again ✓

Your Basic Instrument Rating is valid for 1 year. If you have not managed to meet the revalidation criteria or once your BIR is expired, you have to undertake the BIR refresher training followed by license proficiency check. The refresher training provided by ProfiPilot Training carefully considers your previous experience and provides you with tailored made, industry top-training

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BIR Renewal Course overview

Your Basic Instrument Rating is valid for 1 year. Once the BIR is expired, to renew your  privileges you have to reach back the level of proficiency. For that purpose you have to complete refresher training provided by ProfiPilot Training. If you have held the multi-engine BIR privileges, your refresher training will be completed in a multi-engine aeroplane.


The BIR renewal procedure is followed by the BIR proficiency check with EASA Instrument Rating Examiner. The BIR proficiency check may be combined with a proficiency check performed for the renewal of the class rating.

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As an applicant for Basic Instrument Rating renewal you have to be a holder of the EASA flight crew license such as PPL(A) or CPL(A) or ATPL(A). Obviously, you were a holder of an basic instrument rating in the past. In addition you are either a holder of current class rating - e.g. SEP(land) or MEP(land) or the renewal of the class rating will be connected to the basic instrument rating renewal.

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The amount and scope of BIR refresher training needed will be determined by ProfiPilot Training on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the following factors:

  • your previous experience;
  • the amount of time elapsed since the privileges of the BIR were last used;
  • the complexity of the aircraft e.g. SEP(land) or MEP(land);
  • whether you are instrument-current on another aircraft type or class; and

To assess your BIR proficiency we usually carry on with simulated proficiency check to see the areas required to be emphasised during the refresher training.

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No training

Taking into account all factors we may also decide that you already possesses the required level of instrument proficiency and that no refresher training is necessary. In such after careful reasoning we will issue the  a case we will issue the test recommendation and release you for BIR proficiency check with EASA Instrument Rating Examiner. This is usually the case for the pilots with recent instrument rating experience, significant overall experience or being current on similar kind of the operation.

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The privileges of a your Basic Instrument Rating will be to conduct flights under IFR on single-pilot aeroplanes for which you hold the class ratings.

The exercise of BIR privileges are subject to all of the following conditions:

  • the decision height (DH) or minimum descent height (MDH) used in aerodrome operating minima shall be at least 200 ft greater than what would otherwise be calculated according to point ‘NCO.OP.110 Aerodrome operating minima aeroplanes and helicopters’ and point ‘NCO.OP.111 Aerodrome operating minima – NPA, APV, CAT I operations’ to Annex VII of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012; and
  • the visibility used in aerodrome operating minima shall not be less than 1 500 m


New Zealand

New Zealand

  • ICAO English - Aero Language
  • Flight Examiner
  • EASA TRE, Type Rating examiner

"Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.

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