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Type Instructor TRI & SFI

There are different methods of becoming licensed to provide the training towards the specific type rating under the EASA system. Generally speaking, one needs to become either Type Rating Examiner so-called TRI or Synthetic Flight Examiner so-called SFI to be able to teach towards the type ratings. The privileges of TRI usually cover the SFI, but it does not work the other way round. 

Even the further development of the instructor privileges are quite confusing. The complexity of the privileges development structure may cause additional confusion. Therefore ProfiPilot came-up with the most common Type Instructor development roadmap to help with understanding the TRI and SFI privileges.

~ Milan Mazanovský
Head of training

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Initial Typerating Training
01. TR
Initial Typerating Training

 The first and most important pre-requisite to become a type instructor is to know the aeroplane type you would like to become a type instructor on. As a mandatory pre-requisite of each TRI or SFI is to attend the complete typerating training course for the type of the aircraft. For the SFI training course, there is no need to complete the landing training, not even to hold a valid licence nor the medical certificate. The typerating training and licence skill test with type rating examiner is however a must.

80:00 hrs
32:00 hrs
3 weeks
Skill test 04:00 hrs
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TRI / SFI Training

 The structure and the content of the TRI course as well as the SFI training courses are the same. The training is phased into 3 phases. Phase 1 is focused on the Teaching and learning module lasting 25 hours. The training is followed by the simulator training as well as the technical training (briefings and debriefings) completmentary to the simulator training. These 2 phases are lasting 10 hours each and the training is distributed around the type-specific teaching.
The TRI course and SFI training courses culminates into the Instructor Assessment of competence done by the Type Rating Examiner or Synthetic Flight Examiner for the specific aeroplane type.
Don't be confused with the SFI or TRI. At the very begining of the type instructor career the privileges of SFI and TRI are the same. To simply explain the privileges, we can say that TRI is a type instructor with the real and recent experience with flying in the particular aeroplane type, while the SFI does not need to hold the medical certificate and he might not been flying the type in the real life at all.

25:00 hrs T&L
min. 1500hrs in MPA
FSTD: 10:00 hrs & Briefs: 10:00hrs
1 week
Skill test 03:00 hrs AoC
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TRI / SFI Training
TRI FSTD Restricted or SFI
03. SFI
TRI FSTD Restricted or SFI

 Upon completion of the TRI training course, your privileges will be so-called FSTD restricted. It means that you will be restricted to provide the training towards the initial type rating training as well as the typerating renewal courses on the applicable type of the aeroplane. The privileges of the TRI FSTD restricted are consistent with the privileges of the SFI. In order to extend your TRI or SFI privileges further, you need the instructional experience. The aim is to get the practice and proficiency in the role of the TRI or SFI in sthe simulator representing the particular type of aeroplane.

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04. TRI - TRI
Privileges to teach new TRI and SFI

 The natural progress in the TRI or SFI pathway is to obtain the privileges to teach new type rating instructors or synthetic flight instructors. To obtain this privileges to your TRI or SFI, you need to complete at least 50 hours as TRI or SFI instructor and to demonstrate your instructor competences to teach the TRI or SFI courses to the head of training of the particular flight school. The privileges to teach towards the TRI or SFI is therefore restricted to the particular flight school.
Due to this reason, the TRI or SFI has to be linked with some pilot training organisation to provide the typerating trainings.

50:00 hrs as TRI or SFI
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Privileges to teach new TRI and SFI
06. TRE / SFE

 Further development of the Type Rating Instructor or Synthetic Flight Instructor is to become type examiner. The type examiner is a person who is allowed to assess the skills, proficiency and competences for issue, renewal or revalidation of the particular type rating. The nomination towards the Type Rating Examiner and Synthetic Flight Examiner usually comes from the operator (airline), but it does not necessarily be the mandatory requirement and you can become a TRE or SFE without having the link to the particular company nor the flight school.
As a type examiner you will be responsible to the authorities only. You will play a crucial role in maintaining the safety standards as you will be the one who will release the pilots for the line operations with passengers.

50:00 hrs as TRI/SFI
2-3 months
Skill test 04:00 Examiner AoC with Senior TRE
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One of the differences between TRI and SFI privileges is that Type Rating Instructor can also provide the trianings in the real aeroplane, while SFI must not. The type rating instructor can fly the first line-training sectors past the zero flight total time typerating - to the pilots with previous experience not needing the landing training. The TRI LIFUS privileges also means that the TRI can provide the line flying under supervision or supervised operational experience as a part of the operator conversion course or captain's upgrades.
To extend the TRI to LIFUS, the additional training is required. The training has to be completed in both - the simulator to practice the intervention maneouvers as well as to demonstrate the LIFUS competences to the senior TRI during the real-life route sector.

2 sectors
02:00 hrs
2 days
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07. TRE - TRI

 The more you act as a type instructor and type examiner, the further your privileges can be extended. Once you complete at least 3 years of your Type Rating Examiner or Synthetic Flight Examiner role, you can apply to your supervising authority to grant you with the instructor Assessment of competence privileges to your TRE or SFE. It means you will be able to provide the assessment of competence for the initial issue, the renewal, revalidation and extension of privileges of future Type Rating Instructors and Synthetic Flight Instructors.
The application to grant the instructor AoC privileges to the TRE/SFE usually comes along with the first revalidation of your TRE or SFE certificate after completion of 3 years of service.
On the top of the 3 years in service requirement, you need to attend the specific training which includes to conduct an assessment of competence on dummy or under the supervision of the Senior Examiner.

04:00 hrs
3 years as TRE/SFE
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08. TRI - LT
TRI Landing Training

 One of the special privileges of the TRI which does not apply to the SFI is the landing training privileges. The TRI for landing training authorizes an instructor to provide the so-called base training. The landing training is the training required upon the completion of the initial type rating training and depending on the previous experience of the trainee he needs to complete at lest 4 to 6 landings in the new type. This training can only be provided by the TRI with landing training privileges.

3 landings
02:00 hrs
2 days
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TRI Landing Training
TRI Unrestricted
09. TRI - UNR
TRI Unrestricted

Upon the completion of your Type Rating Instructor training course, the privileges of the TRI are so-called restricted. The restriction means that you are allowed to provide the training in the simulator only. After the additional training you can provide the  LIFUS or landing training, while your TRI is still restricted.
Unrestricted TRI means that you are authorized to provide the initial type rating in the real aircraft. This is usually the common case in the small business jets, where simulators are either not available nor accessible. The unrestricted TRI privileges are usually not being issued to the common aircraft jetliners such as Boeing 737 or similar, beacuase there is no need to do any kind of the initial typerating traning in the real aircraft.
If you however want to hold the unrestricted privileges as well as your issuing authority allows you to do so, you need to complete the special assessment of competence  with the TRE in the real aircraft type.

3 appraoches
1 day
Skill test AoC with TRE in the ACFT
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10. Senior
Senior Examiner

The highest privileges on the type instructor pathway is to become a Senior type examiner. The privileges are to provide the training and the assessment of competence for initial obtain, revalidation, renewal and extension of Type Rating Examiner or Synthetic Flight Examiner certificates. Senior Examiner nomination and certification lies on the competent authority and in most of the cases it is nationally-regulated. 
Unlike the TRI or SFI certificate, it is not possible to claim to become a Senior type examiner despite you might be a long time TRI or TRE. Appointment is subject of acceptance by the competent authority. It usually requires to complete certain amount of years as a type examiner with the competent authority as well as to complete certain minimum amount of exams in the role of the Type Rating Examiner or Synthetic Flight Examiner.

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Senior Examiner
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