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Leisure pilot

To become a pilot for a leisure is easier then ever. There are generally two leisure-pilot licenses, namely the Light Aircraft Pilot Licence and Private Pilot Licence. There is slight difference in the privileges of each licence, however both allows you to fly as a pilot of single-engine aeroplane of 2 or 4 seats. Generally, the LAPL(Ais a bit shorter and cheaper then PPL(A), while the Private PPL(A) is also ICAO-recognised and allows the easier growth of privileges. The content of the theoretical knowledge instruction as well as the flight training is basically the same scope with some small differences in the time distribution. 

Plane Down
Medical check-up
01. Medical
Medical check-up

The first and one of the most important prerequisites to commence the pilot training is to be medically fit for flying. The superstition that pilots must be 100% healthy is a relic of the past. For leisure purposes, a basic medical assessment by an authorized aviation medical examiner is sufficient. You can expect about half-day lasting medical assessment consisting of review of your current medical status, assessment of eyesight, ECG and some other basic items.
The medical assessment for the leisure pilot is called Medical Class 2 or LAPL medical certificate depending on the leisure pilot licence you are aiming for.
If you are still in doubt, we can tell you that people with impaired color vision or a cardio stimulator have already sucessfully undergone an aviation medical examination for the leisure pilot. So don't worry ;)

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02. TKI
Ground school

It is necessary to complete the theoretical knowledge instruction, before commencing  the flying part of the leisure pilot training,
The common requirements for both LAPL and PPL pilot licences are sharing the same theoretical knowledge syllabi and learning objectives. The minimum teaching time is around 100 hours, which are well distributed around the general aviation subjects as well as the aeroplane - specific and piston engine-specific knowledge. Theoretical knowledge instruction is completed by either the virtual class room, real class room, selfstudy or individually. The scope of the knowledge you need to absorb is slightly more demanding compared to the driver licence school.

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Ground school
Basic maneuvers
03. Basics
Basic maneuvers

The first part of the flight training is focused to the core aeroplane handling skills. You will learn how to fly the aerplane straight, how to turn and most importantly - how to take off and safely land at the airport. You will also learn what the airport traffic pattern is for and how to respond various emergency situations including the engine failure or fire. 

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04. Solo
First solo

One of the most exciting moments of the entire leisure pilot training is your first solo flight. Don't worry, we won't let you kill yourself :) At least two independent instructors should agree that you can handle the solo flight and one of them has to sign you off for the solo flight. The First solo flight is once in a lifetime experience that you can not compare to anything else. Just you and the plane. There is no longer an instructor who would correct your mistakes or save the day. From takeoff to landing, it's all up to you. This moment comes after approximately after 10-15 hours of flight training - depending on your skills and readiness.

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First solo
Advanced maneuvering
05. Advanced
Advanced maneuvering

At this stage of your leisure pilot training, you will be able to safely take off, climb, descend and land the plane at the airfield. The flight training is continued with the "fine tuning" of the the flying technique in order to consolidate your pilot skills.
We will teach you how to prevent a spin, how to recover from the spiral dives and how to recover from the marginal flight phases. We will handle together the minimum flight speeds, aerodynamic stall - its prevention and recovery as well as flying at the critically high speeds. This will al be practised with a flight instructor until you master the techniques. Once the flight instructor is happy with your skills, you will go and fly solo all the mentioned maneovers by yourself.

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06. Navigation

The great focus is put on the cross country flying and navigation practice, during the leisure pilot training. Flying the plane safely from A to B is no longer just about driving on the highway. Aircraft being used for the leisure flying nowdays are equipped even better than many jetliners and flying twice the speed of the fastest highway limos.
An important factor in the navigation training is the vertical and lateral division of airspace - so called airspace structure, limiting factors such as military areas, or correct frequency tuning. You will also learn what to do in case of loss of connection and to respond bad weather encounter. The navigation training phase is completed by radio navigation and the use of radio beacons, satellite navigation and even the autopilot control system for your safe navigation enroute.

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Theory exam
07. Theory exam
Theory exam

Upon completion of your leisure pilot flight training and before undergoing the final skill test with flight examiner, it is necessary to pass the theoretical knowledge test so-called PPL written exam directly at the aviation authority.
As an applicant for a leisure pilot licence, you will be tested from aviation subjects such as Air Law, Principles of flight, Communication, Meteorology, Operation Procedures, Human Performance and more. Theoretical knowledge exam  usually takes about 2 hours to complete with the minimum pass rate of 75%.

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05. LST
Licence skill test

Before you become a pilot and get your leisure pilot licence, you need to pass the practical test so-called licence skill test with an authorised person called Flight Examiner. The PPL/LAPL skill test takes approximately 90 minutes and contains the profile of all exercises you have been trained during your leisure pilot training. Flight Examiner will ensure that during your leisure pilot training you gained all the skills required to become a leisure pilot.
The skill test consists of navigation flight, piloting technique (turns, slips, flight at minimum speeds, stalls), take-off and landing technique, including emergency procedures with simulated engine failure.
Once you successfully pass the skill test you become a leisure pilot holding either the private pilot licence - PPL(A) or light aircraft pilot licence - LAPL(A) with a so-called class rating SEP(land). It means you will be authorised to fly the single engine piston aeroplanes with the wheel-mounted landing gear.

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Licence skill test
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