For how long is an EASA Class Rating valid for?
For how long is an EASA Class Rating valid for?
EASA Class ratings are valid 12 or 24 months.
To break this down:
The class-related instrument rating might be stand-alone for single-engine class ratings due to fact the Instrument Rating is only valid for 12 months.
To revalidate the multi-engine class rating for next 12 months holder needs to attend the LPC with EASA CRE. Once the period of validity is lapsed holder needs to attend refresher training and renewal LPC with EASA Class Rating Examiner.
To revalidate the single-engine class rating there are 2 options:
To keep your EASA Class rating valid, you have to attend once in 12 months (for multi-engine class rating) or 24 months (for single-engine class rating) so-called licence proficiency check with Class Rating Examiner qualified for the particular class rating. Once your class rating is expired even for one day, the EASA ATO has to be involved into the renewal process in case or multi-engine class rating or EASA DTO or EASA Instructor for single-engine class ratings.
You can revalidate your EASA Class rating 3 months before the expiry date to keep the current expiry date pattern. So to avoid any problems with the class rating validity, we strongly recommend you to revalidate your class rating as soon as possible within 90 days prior the expiry date.