The difference between Synthetic Flight Instructor and restricted Type Rating Instructor is often subject to discussion among the pilots. The training structure was differently approached by many different ATOs and authorities. As a result of interpolation between EASA regulations and common practices, many Alternative Means of Compliance started to be used by flight schools and operators.
EASA legislation including the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance were significantly changed back in 2020. The whole structure of TRI course was changed.
Besides being a holder of CPL, ATPL or MPL he requirements for TRI are described in FCL.905.TRI as follows:
Being holder of Type Rating Instructor on particular type of an aircraft indicates that the holder has or have had a recent on-type experience. It means he actually flown the type of an aircraft.
To exercise the privileges of TRI the valid flight crew licence is required. It means the associated type rating and medical certificate has to be valid and current.
Another advantage of being holder of TRI is that besides the revalidation and renewal of type rating and type-related instrument ratings holder of Type Rating Instructor can provide the training towards the issue of a TRI or SFI certificate.
It is important to mention that privileges of TRI automatically contain the privileges of SFI on respective type.
Besides holds or have held CPL, MPL or ATPL, an applicant for issue of SFI have completed the proficiency check for the issue of the specific aircraft type rating in an FFS representing the applicable type and within the 12 months preceding the application has met the requirements of FCL.915.SFI as follows:
It means the holder of SFI might or might not have a valid pilot's licence and medical certificate. There is no additional requirement for the on-type experience of Instructor.
Simply SFI can be retired professional pilot who lost medical certificate as well as a pilot with extensive experience on another type but without actual experience with the type concerned.
From the privileges point of view, they are the same as the privileges of TRI restricted to simulator.
From the practical point of view, there is no major differences between Synthetic Flight Instructor and Type Rating Instructor restricted to simulator.
The major difference between the TRI and SFI are the training entry requirements and its privileges.
Holder of the TRI can only be a pilot with recent experience with particular type of an aircraft, valid typerating and medical.
While the holder of SFI for the particular type can be also a pilot without type rating and with no experience with type. SFI holder does not need to be a holder of medical certificate.
Following table matrix summarizes the differences between TRI and SFI certificates.
SFI | TRI Simulator restricted | |
Hold valid EASA licence | No | Yes |
Hold valid typerating | No | Yes |
Hold valid medical | No | Yes |
Actual on-type experience | No | Yes |
SFI or TRI trainings | No | Yes |
Aircraft training | No | No |
LIFUS training | No | No |