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5 tips to shift Flight Instructor restriction

5 tips to shift Flight Instructor restriction

1. Tip - Fly, Fly, Fly and ask others

Well... That is most likely the reason why you got your Flight Instructor certificate. However your first flight instructor flights and hours will be done under the supervision of the older instructor appointed by the particular flight school. It means you can only act as a flight instructor under an EASA flight school such as ATO or DTO.

If you have ever tried scuba diving the restricted privileges of flight instructor are similar to the assistant of scuba instructor. You need a bit more skills and experience to provide flight instruction on your own. Senior instructor should guide you and answer all your questions or concerns you might have during your first instructional activity.

All-in-all you need at least 100 hours of instructor flight time before you are recommended to act without supervision.  Make sure you ask your supervising instructors. That's why you have them.

Write down your questions. Write them down and ask them whatever they are. At this stage it is essentially important for your future instructor career to clarify all your questions or doubts. 

2. Tip - supervise students

As a junior flight instructor with restriction you can not let the students to fly first solo nor the first cross-country solo flight. To shift your restriction you however have to supervise at least 25 solo flights of the PPL or LAPL student pilots. It means you will be responsible for the supervision of the flight preparation phase and oversight of the flight progress including the de-briefing. All this process will of course be supervised by your senior flight instructor. This is a great opportunity to develop your briefing skills and your decision-making essentially important for the role of flight instructor.

3. Tip - collect evidence

One day you will have to demonstrate to your issuing authority you have complied with the regulatory obligations to shift the Flight Instructor restriction. It is a good practice to keep the track of all your instructor activities under supervision.

Fill-out properly your pilot's logbook with the names of the students into the remark section. It is a good idea to keep the separate logbook such as printed table, where you track:

  • date of flight
  • SEP(land) variant
  • registration of aircraft
  • total instruction given
  • name of the student
  • nature of the flight

Let your supervising instructor to sign your pilot's logbook or separate logbook as an evidence he was supervising that particular flight. Let the student sign your supervision flight record as an evidence you have supervised his flight.

4. Tip - submit papers to your CAA

After meeting regulatory requirements to shift the FCL.910.FI, you need to submit all the evidence to your issuing authority. Some authorities are using event-specific application form with required fields to be filled-out and signed by both - you and your supervising instructor.

It might also happen CAA does not have this kind of form ready, so you have to write down your application by yourself in plain words.

Make sure you will enclose the copies of your logbook demonstrating an evidence of at least 100 hours of flight time as instructor along with the records signed by your supervising instructor.

Your licence will need to be re-printed and re-issued. For some authorities it may take some extra time to issue you a new licence.  Take this into your consideration when applying for the restriction removal.

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