When you hear "first solo" in the flight school, it means somebody is about to do his big step in his flight training progress path.
First Solo refers to the student's first independent flight by himself without an instructor being on board. First solo flight usually happens after about ten-to-twelve hours of flight training. Up to this major milestone the flight training includes among other things, take-offs, landings, traffic circuits, as well as management of simulated emergency procedures.
The first solo flight is preceded by the special so-called solo-release checkride.
An independent Senior instructor will sit on the plane with the trainee and makes himself sure the trainee for ability able to take-off, fly around the airport and land safely. Usually the instructor flying a solo-release checkride is different from the one flown with the trainee over last few hours of training.
If this independent Senior flight instructor considers the trainee to be able to operate an aircraft safely, trainee will be released for his first solo flight.
For those who have already had the first solo experience, they know what we are writing about. For those who have not experienced the first solo yet - we will be happy to provide you with such an experience ;-)
We can also mention the feelings of the first solo from the "other side". From the instructors' point of view, the first solo is always an adrenaline experience. The only way we can influence the flight is the radio connection with the trainee with our handy walkie-talkie.