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Language proficiency

How can I become a Language proficiency examiner?

Question iconQuestion

How can I become a Language proficiency examiner?

Answer iconAnswer

You need to attend the initial Language examiner course followed by an Assessment of competence.

The Language proficiency examiner course consists of theoretical knowledge instruction and LPE on-job-training. On the successful completion of the language proficiency examiner course, you'll have the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct the ICAO English exams.

Only requirement is a good command of English which equals of at least ICAO English Level 5.

If you do not hold your ICAO English language certificate, you will be provided with an assessment during your Language examiner course. You do not need to be a pilot to become a language examiner.

Language examiner training

Recommendation iconRecommendation

We strongly recommend Aero Language for your initial Language examiner trainingAero Language provides industry top-end initial LPE qualification training as well as best LPE recurrent trainings.

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